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Cookies are small text files that most modern websites store on the devices of their visitors, i. The storing of cookies is under the complete control of the user , since users can easily configure their browser to restrict or disable the storage of cookies. While visiting the website and its subpages and performing operations on the website, your computer, phone or tablet, automatically or after gaining your explicit consent , stores certain cookies through which various data can be recorded.
Each visitor or shopper is assigned a cookie in order to identify him and ensure traceability at the beginning of each use of the online store.
The servers provided to the company by the subcontractor automatically collect data on how visitors, shop owners or shoppers use the online store and store this data in the form of an activity log. The servers store information about the use of the online store, statistics and IP numbers. Google Analytics which are used to collect data on website visits. Regarding external services, the rules and general conditions on the processing of personal data, which are available at the links below, apply.
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Permission to use cookies If the settings of the browser with which you visit the website are such, that they accept all cookies, it means that you agree to their use. Mandatory and optional cookies and your consent 3. Обновление В этом месяце. Последний пересмотр Отключен Голосуйте : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ok Мы используем собственные и сторонние файлы cookie для рекламы, доступа, аналитики и социальных сетей.
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